When case precedence might influence your company policy
We often rely on precedence to design our company policies, but what happens when a legal decision begins to shift what the precedence says?
This is a key reason why policy review is so important.
Although it may be hard to find the time to ensure that your policies are reviewed at least annually, it is a habit that can assist in ensuring that you stay complaint in Health and Safety and Human Resources and Operational Practice.
Reflecting on 2023, there are numerous examples of ever changing precedence (remember the vaccine policy requirements?) , these rapid changes impact policy and your policy manuals should be considered "living documents".
If you have historically considered your policy manuals to be "one and done", it might be prudent to make reviewing and updating it your new year's resolution.
Remember that the policy manual needs to match your reality, as well as follow legal requirements, culture and best practice. This means that although your policy manual may still meet the letter of the law, your reveiw should also consider if the contents still match what you actually do in the situation as well as evolving best practice.
Case in point: If your jurisdiction permits requesting a note after every sick day, and your policy says a note is required, is it still practical and does it inadvertently encourage people to come to work and spread illness? Furthermore, do you ever enforce it? If your regular process is to ask for a note after an employee has used all their statutory entitlement, then it may be time to change the policy language to match what you do.
If you would like more information on how we assist dealership operations with the application of precedence, best practice or other policy information, than #letstalk.